What is Wastewater Service?

Wastewater services typically refer to the tasks that support operations in a wastewater treatment facility. The right provider will offer assistance in everything you need to manage water quality in your facility or campus. This includes maintenance and operations for all types of wastewater systems, wastewater treatment plants, lift stations, pipes, and any other wastewater system assets. 

Wastewater services should comply with the regulations of the area in which a facility is located, and provide environmentally sound solutions for organizations and municipalities.

At O & M Solutions, we provide expert wastewater services in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York, and have more than three decades of experience reinforcing these essential operations. 

Read on to learn more about what wastewater services entail, what you may not have considered, and the types of services that exist to ensure safe, year-round operations.

Wastewater Service

Raw sewage must be treated, and wastewater treatment plants exist to perform that task. The typical sequence of events to treat raw sewage includes screening, activated sludge treatment, settling, disinfection, and rearation. Effluent water may then be discharged into the water system without risk of contamination.

Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment has to align with local and state standards around collection, treatment, and release of wastewater. This includes filtration, operating activated sludge systems, and leveraging new, environmentally friendly technologies to disinfect wastewater.

There are typically two types of arrangements for wastewater treatment facility ownership: public and private.

Public Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Municipalities all over the country operate public wastewater treatment facilities to provide this essential service to citizens. Public water systems may be nonprofit entities that are managed by state or local governments. Some regions may work together, forming Regional Water Councils or other consortiums to strengthen purchasing power and operational efficiencies. 

Often, officials will outsource operations, management, and maintenance of a public wastewater treatment facility to third parties, like O & M Solutions. This can reduce costs as well as ensuring that specialized professionals are overseeing these precise processes.

Private Wastewater Treatment Facilities

In contrast to the public sector, private wastewater treatment facilities are often for-profit systems which are managed by a board, with rates sometimes monitored or regulated by a state commission. These facilities may also be operated and maintained by a third party provider.

A third option is a public-private partnership, which is represented in some contexts and used as a way to reduce or share costs.

Benefits of Hiring an Expert Wastewater Treatment Facility Services Provider

Wastewater services are essential, and however they are held (public, private, or through partnership), good management is key to optimizing efficiencies and mitigating risk.

Some of the benefits of hiring an expert for wastewater treatment services include the following:

Asset care — Wastewater treatment facilities are immense and include specialized and valuable machinery to process wastewater. Downtime or deterioration is not only costly but a compliance risk. For facilities to maintain optimal uptime and ensure they are meeting all regulatory standards, an expert eye may be required.

Expert guidance — New technology is always evolving to improve water and wastewater treatment processes. Experts in this field will have a sophisticated understanding of the latest approaches, methodologies, and equipment to use.

Emergency response — The aforementioned risk of downtime is real, and well-trained, knowledgeable wastewater treatment services providers are equipped to offer on-demand assistance and emergency response.

Outsourced operations — Highly specialized skills come at a price, and the challenges of hiring, vetting, and retaining top talent can be a barrier to efficiency. By outsourcing wastewater facility operations and management, businesses of all kinds can find cost savings and maximize return.

O & M: an Excellent Wastewater Service Provider

O & M Solutions has spent decades in the tristate area serving clients of all kinds, and working in wastewater facilities of all sizes. This has given us an immense advantage, equipping us to capably oversee, manage, maintain, and respond proactively to the needs of wastewater facilities owners. To learn more about how we might be of service to you, contact us at (732) 965-5764 today.