About O&M Solutions

Serving the public and private sectors with operations and management solutions for water and wastewater.

New Jersey | Pennsylvania | New York

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Affiliations of O&M Solutions

Here are some of the organizations we are proud to be affiliated with.

The Spirit of Enterprise Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
O&M Solutions leadership has been honored as leaders in enterprise by the U.S. government.

Water Environment Federation
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is an association with global membership that includes more than 34,000 water professionals. WEF is a not for profit association that provides technical education and training for thousands of water quality professionals who clean water and return it safely to the environment.

New Jersey Water Environment Association
The New Jersey Water Environment Associations is a not for profit organization that is dedicated to both preserving and enhancing the water environment in our region. Founded in 1915, the association is the oldest organization of its kind in the United States. With a membership of 2,800 engineers, operators, scientists, students and other professionals, the NJWEA is an environmental leader in New Jersey.

Memberships and Associations

Here are some of the organizations we are connected with by membership or association.

Association of Boards Certification
The Association includes almost 100 certifying authorities in more than 40 states as well as 10 Canadian provinces and territories. Programs have certified more than 240,000 water and wastewater operators, laboratory analysts, plant maintenance technologists, biosolids land appliers, and backflow prevention assembly testers.

Certification for Commission of Environmental Professionals
The Certification Commission for Environmental Professionals (C2EP) of the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) implements certification programs for water environment industry professionals. C2EP awards certified operators the Professional Operator (PO) designation, the industry’s first professional designation for operators.

Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce
O&M Solutions is associated with the Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce, an entity committed to advancing the region’s economy and improving quality of life.