Wastewater Activated Sludge Problems

The activated sludge process can be complicated and requires many components and a sharp eye. Add troubleshooting, maintenance, and repairs on top of that and you end up with an often frustrating process. 

To make the troubleshooting process a little easier, we’ve compiled four common wastewater activated sludge problems and their solutions. Read on to learn more. 

When you choose O&M Solutions, you can feel confident that you are receiving high quality maintenance and repair from professionals you can trust. To learn more about our services, visit our website: www.oandmsolutions.com 

Excess Foam

Sometimes, excess foam is not an issue. To determine if it is a problem, take a closer look at the color and texture of the foam. Excess and discolored foam can be caused by the following:

  • Poor solids capture

  • Nutrient deficiencies

  • Overload of the system

  • Growth of unwanted bacteria

  • Too low or high mean cell residence time (MCRT)

It is not always easy to nail down the issue that is causing excess foam. If you cannot seem to find the cause of discolored excess foam after completing testing, be sure to call a wastewater treatment maintenance and repair company. 

Sludge Bulking

There are a few different kinds of bulking, each with its own causes and effects. Non-filamentous sludge bulking happens when sludge does not settle well in the clarifier. It can be caused by the presence of fats and oils, low oxygen and nutrient deficiencies among other things. 

Filamentous bulking, on the other hand, is caused by bacteria, also called filaments, that override floc-forming bacteria. You can identify the amount of filaments through testing. If there are more than 15 filaments per floc, then filamentous bulking will occur. 

Sludge bulking can be controlled in a few different ways including changing the rate of flow, adding chemicals or by increasing the rate of re-aeration. 

Equipment Problems

Issues in the activated sludge process don’t always come down to the water itself, sometimes it has more to do with the equipment. Here are some activated sludge equipment problems you may encounter:

  • Aeration system piping leaks

  • Air coming from diffuser-heading pipe

  • Insufficient oxygen transfer

The repairs for these issues are fairly simple. For example, a leak in the aeration system piping can be fixed by tightening the flange bolts. However, sometimes an issue with one piece of equipment can snowball into a system failure.

Receiving timely maintenance and scheduling repairs when necessary can help combat this issue. Take a look at our blog What is Wastewater Service to find out more about how O&M Solutions can help.

Hydraulic Overload

Hydraulic overload is a very common issue in wastewater treatment facilities. In fact, a study published in Water Science and Technology found 27 hydraulic overload events over 31 months. 

Sludge that has settled in the clarifier and returned to the aeration tank is called returned activated sludge (RAS). Changing the RAS rate can have a positive effect by controlling the organisms present in the aeration tank. However, if the RAS rate is increased too much, it can cause a hydraulic overload. 

What this means is that the incoming flow rate has exceeded what the system can handle. You may be able to simply lower the RAS rate to reverse the issue. However, if the damage has been done, the system may require a repair. 

O&M Solutions: Your Partner in Wastewater Maintenance

Troubleshooting activated sludge facilities can be time consuming enough, but also trying to repair and maintain these facilities yourself is just one extra task on your to-do list. Turn to O&M Solutions for commercial wastewater treatment maintenance and repair in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. 

Our knowledgeable professionals are ready to help keep your activated sludge facility in excellent shape. From repairs to maintenance, we have got your back. Give us a call at (732) 965-5764 or contact us online.